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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Oh my gosh, I'm not messy?

i am clutter, or at least i've been clutter, mostly a mess - mostly. this is a mostly unless it is the sometimes i go to organize and everything is beautiful.

i was watching an Discovery Home show called Neat & it was the "Messy Maria" episode. You, Maria are my inspiration to love myself. turns out she was a visual learner. anything out of sight was out of mind, and so she had to keep most of her stuff out for fear she would run out and buy more.

i actually have started some of the things the host did for Maria & surprisingly it was working, but i didn't know why. like my scrap stuff ~ its all in see thru boxes & my pantry is all open (really they are big plastic shelving like the ones one might put in the garage). my plate & glass cubbies are always open, could this be why - because it makes me feel better to see what i have..

very interesting. why i have started a million journals, because once thier put away - they feel far away and i must have something new or near, blank ~ it can be old, hand me down spiral bound notebooks - just blank, plenty of wide open space.

nuts! i'm feeling a little flighty right now, like i've been offered a big something about myself tonight.

thanks time ~ that you cuddle me in your minutes!

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