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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happier with Myself & My Parenting

i love non-pressure days ~ when i am using my blog site in the same way i used it before.. to just write.. whatever, whenever the thought to compose conquered :)

i have some thoughts about different mini topics along the way.  for instance, i would love an opportunity to hear how people are showing compassion to their children.  ideas really.  i read a wonderfully inspiring blog entry the other day..

Building the Legacy 

Your Children Will Remember  

its a big, bold title but hey ~ its a big bold topic.  there was a section that emphasized the point ~ if i want to leave a legacy of hospitality then i had better be the home with doors open.

i went on to think about the legacy i am leaving now... when in doubt, ask..

i told my daughter i had a little project i needed her help with.  she didn't bat an eye because i have been in the mist of my master's program for the last 3 years & life for her - is Mom & her Many Projects.

i have this scrapbook that i haven't used.. go figure, don't we all have those?  at least those of us that hoard tools.. (kitchen, craft, garage, or otherwise)

i digress. 

i told her i needed small pictures of different ways of describing me.  i didn't let her know it was a legacy thing, because - really what is a legacy other than a topic leading to when i'm gone.  we don't have to go there .. right now i just want to check in with her, when all i do boils down ~ how does she describe me now.

anyway.. wish i had an answer for you - that was friday morning during oatmeal time before school, will get back with you on the results..

if you get a chance ~ read the blog attached ~ its marvelous.  in fact, in the three days since i read it i have actually perused parenting differently & i am happier with myself.  less critical.  i am intentionally thinking throughout the day how i can make this experience more positive.


Dee said...


This is a wonderful message that me & many of my mom friends seem to need to hear. Thank you for sharing.

jenni said...

i hope you & others were able to follow the link so you could read the official blog post ~ it was really great!!

i actually carved out some time and did a little project for my daughter .. hopefully I can get to taking pictures & posting today :)

Thanks Dee!!