~ swept by the wind ~
~ where it blew there i went ~
~ over and over i tumbled and twirled ~
i have a lot of compassion for times when we struggle with our boundaries. when we know there is a line to be drawn but we aren't sure how to do it. making the decision of when to speak and when to be silent is difficult and tedious. so much that frustrations can flair and feelings can be hurt.
people in the position of authority not being comfortable with authority is a mishap ready to happen. how many times have we witnessed or heard of a boss spiking their voice or slamming their files? those floating through may wonder - was it really that big of a deal? people on the receiving end are likely so caught off guard they haven't stopped to wonder, but instead are reacting. whether we wear our emotions on the inside or outside, withstanding a side-swipe blow requires a moment to regroup.
i'd like to suggest that like me & you, others are likely doing their best. i can say - for a long time i was not comfortable being the authority of me. that when i wanted to say no I'd say maybe. when i meant probably i'd say yes. i got myself into all kinds of trouble simply not speaking my mind. unfortunately, the problem with speaking our minds is.. not knowing what our minds are all about.
i am going to make mistakes, i am going to hurt feelings. discovering my mind will take time, but eventually i'll not be so with the wind. i will. in fact. be safe and complete. a most wonderful and curious design. Shalom